Friday, June 27, 2008

Work sucked. What's new ? And I already opted to take the night easy because I'm getting up early to hit the beach for the first time this summer. I am all kinds of annoyed because I have to get a new bathing suit in preparation. This time of year always blows because the sunshine and I have issues. The bitch hates me. If I'm not straight-up day-glo I'm hot pink and freckly. The latter of which, I'll mostly be by noon tomorrow. But tonight I am just white. So, I go to TJ Maxx after work (I'm anti-mall and not liquid enough to afford retail) and prepare myself for the pure skeeviness of putting pieces of

clothing that have touched other people's naughty parts onto my own. So, I pick up three suits and am psyched as hell when I find a bottom with ruffles. I'm not a weirdo. Not a perv-candy weirdo, anyways. I just want the extra inch and a half or so of fabric on my ass. I couldn't find a matching top but I loved my little throwback to being five so much I figured I'd find the perfect top at some point. It's buy time, baby! So I go to check out and, because I went straight from work, I'm still sporting pigtails. I'm not at all ashamed of my age. 31's the new 21. I'm downright spry! But because I have to wear a fucking baseball hat to work, I try to girl it up as much as possible. (p.s. to the customer who calls me dude---not cool...not cool at all). So the lame fuck who rang me up while raising his eyebrow with a sly, "I don't know what you think you're trying to accomplish with this purchase--- lady" look in his eyes, YOU SUCK! I will rawk that bikini bottom with defiant pride tomorrow. Eat me.

Posted by Posted by penny earned at 8:58 PM



Anonymous said...

yo bottom is fine whether it be in a bikini or those stoopid shorts