Friday, May 29, 2009

And not in a "Wow dude, that ollie was sick" kind of way.

I was watching my local news, like the upright citizen that I am, when they featured a story about some pin-headed hatemongers who decided it was their duty to rally outside a local high school.

Their message?

I won't even repeat it because it was so thoroughly reprehensible.

I tried to find a video link but was unable.

So you gotta' get the info the old fashioned way.
Read this crap.

Oh and, I have been feeling hugely nostalgic for the south lately...
and go on, haterade drinkers!

Bring it!

But the one thing I have come to discover about the north is how thinly people veil their hatred.
It's gross.
Stop it now.

At least in the south people put on an air of propriety.
Even if they are just two steps away from a walk-on role in the next Jim Varney vehicle.
(pronounced vee-hickle).

So, while I have been looking on Craigslist for jobs in North Carolina and just generally being angry about my town....I am feeling completely overwhelmed with admiration for the local student stockade that took on these blowhards.

Also, they got the usually mum Catholic Diocese to come out in support of said stockade.

Go Rhode Island!

Also, Happy Birthday Michael!

Read your blog.

Happy also birthday to Jennie R., Telly, and Patrick.


It's an auspicious day!

Posted by Posted by penny earned at 11:21 PM



mickell said...

hey - stopped by to read your blog...nostalgic for the south? hmmm - i really like the sound of that. i miss you lots. anyway - i have been thinking about you lately...been watching lots of abfab - lots and lots of abfab sweetie. it is still funny as hell, but i remember watching it with you and it seemed almost funnier. sorry if that is gagworthy, but its been so long since i've seen you and i do really miss you. it shouldn't be this hard to keep in touch. hope you are doing well. tell your mom i said hello. i'm going to keep reading. xoxo

mehera said...

Link to Mikee's blog, babe!

penny earned said...

i don't know how else to link it?

maybe chris could give me a tutorial?