Friday, December 26, 2008

Tis' the season for well-wishings and all that garbage.
But I am here to remind you that things still blow heartily.

oh crap..did I just say that?

Yeah, consider me the beckoner of un-joyous things.

I have scores of grievances that just leave me appalled...ala' the fatuity of cheer accompanying the season.

2008 sucked hardcore.
Even those who weren't affected economically must admit that the past year had little in the way of good tidings.

A few examples...

1. George W. reigned supreme (oh, and on a not-so-side note, we are still occupying Iraq)
2. The economy earned a top grade in FAIL!!
3. Paul Newman died, thereby rendering my list of top two (holla' Marlon Brando!) stars I would totally fuck in their heyday, down to zero.
4. I have a herniated disk---probably not on your list of fuckage, but this is my bob an apple or something.

Point is, I have neglected this blog.

So sue me.

I promise that on January first I will write something relevant...

Who am I kidding?
Probably not as much relevant as acerbic and mean spirited.

Until then, get your nog on.

Posted by Posted by penny earned at 3:29 PM