Sunday, April 26, 2009

I try not to frequent the FOX network too Family guy and the Simpsons...
'cause I don't want to contribute to their fascist organization.

That said, every once in a great while, I get a hankering for Cops.

I'd describe it as that "apple nugget" feeling---KRS.1, if you are out there you know what I am talking about....

My B.F. and I used to visit Checkers fast food ,late at night---in high school.
They had a dessert called apple nuggets---deep fried slices of apple.

They were so good when you were eating them, but hours later you would feel the hurt.

So, Yeah.
I have that same relationship with the television show, Cops.

It hurts so good.

I am just laming around being completely unproductive and watching shows online when I come across an old episode of Cops.


Said episode featured my ex---you know who you are!!

I sent a link to aforementioned B.F. and she agreed, it was indeed the douchetard formerly known as my ex-boyfriend


I'm sorry for your injuries.
You shouldn't have resisted arrest.

But a wee part of me is happy to see that your life has taken a turn for the worse.

Apple Nuggets!

Posted by Posted by penny earned at 9:53 AM



db said...

a link please

penny earned said...
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