Monday, October 27, 2008

I was walking to the store today and passed a bevy of candidate support signs.

I also think I ran into Nosferatu, but that is a whole other story.

So I was thinking about politics. How, I am indeed and whole-heartedly behind one candidate. How my politics are right 100% of the time and how people who disagree with me disgrace humanity...and the good ol' American way.

Shit has been bleak.

Sliding down a razor, dousing yourself in acid and then rolling around in rock salt, bleak.

So imagine my dismay when Hollywood came a courtin'.

Every time I watch t.v. (and it's a brand new day, America, 'cause I watch all my t.v. online---fuck all this converter box business! I don't need no stinkin' H.D., I need something that converts television into something less like a giant seething pile of crap) I am bombarded by some loser celebrity telling me about my need to vote.


If you don't vote then you are retarded.

And if you are retarded, then that means you are voting for the McCain/Palin ticket.

So, we are safe, right?

But right now I must immediately bathe and say a few rosaries, 'cause that Nosferatu is one scary dude.

Posted by Posted by penny earned at 7:00 PM