Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's about mother-fuckin' time!

I swear to god, I was walking with a spring in my step today.

I was smiling at strangers, filled with admiration for my fellow man, and just generally enjoying this new day.

No lies, I was concerned because the polling place was empty when I went to cast my ballot.

And Florida had me freaked for a hot minute, but then Florida always has me freaked.
My Floridian friends know how I feel about the state, but you guys pulled through in the clutch, so thank you.

Hell, I am positively on the verge of tears just writing this.

Obama, '08!!!

Posted by Posted by penny earned at 4:55 PM



penny earned said...
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Anonymous said...

For m-f-ing RIZ. I had Simon and Garfunkel playing in my head the whole day. Or should I say "hole day", yo I ain't got no "pried." Oh the cheerful refrain: "duh duh duh duh duh, feeling groovy". Thank you for articulating my every thought and emotion perfectly as always MD. Hearts, flowers, rainbows, and unicorns. So glad to be back in your hood.

Anonymous said...

You just screamed (and I do mean SCREAMED) "oh, GROW UP!!!" in your sleep. I'm wondering at whom that comment was directed and what sort of subconscious douchebaggery catalyzed said exclamation.