Thursday, August 21, 2008

So you may have noticed that my blog entries have been sparse this week.

Not much has happened...typical maelstrom of mediocrity here.

That said, I wouldn't disappoint by keeping all my mundane musings to myself, would I?  (mama clearly likes the alliteration)

No. My computer wasn't working...AGAIN!
So, after work today I went to the mall all set to get straight-up weepy over what I was sure was going to be bad news.  I mean, my computer is still a wee babe and already she's been in the I.C.U. twice.  Not Cool.  

I have been psyching myself out since Tuesday when the shit hit the fan.  My mind has been making olympic size cognitive leaps over possible outcomes.  Like, holy shit, they are going to take my computer and hold it hostage until I come up with the money to pay for it to be fixed again.

Problem, meet solution!

The Apple people gave me a brand new Mac.

Fuck YES!

I'd like to take this moment to apologize to my co-workers.  I know every sentence out of my mouth lately has been like a Patsy Cline lyric.  But we are back on the positive tip, folks.

Now if only I can figure out a way to stick it to Verizon.  Cretins!

Posted by Posted by penny earned at 9:45 PM



Anonymous said...

for a company who likes to pride themselves on how good they are compared to pc, that if a sweet solution to your problem but at the same time for whats in your computer guts wise u probably overpaid so they def can afford to give u a new laptop linux in the the future via ubuntu. by the way how have u been hope all is well

love danny and the the rest of the fuzzyecho team

p.s. do u have a logo of some sort something i can put up on the site other then just words people like pictures u know how it is