Monday, September 15, 2008

Dear Anonymous,
I believe I know who you are. (pop, goes my heart!?)
In response to the request for an anti-Palin rant, here goes...
I try not to talk politics too much because the current state of affairs has got me in a tizzy. But since this is the first outright request I have gotten (and I will take requests, folks...I am here all week...uhh, make that until I get gainfully employed) I'll bite!
Oprah has been in the hot-seat lately for her refusal to invite this N.R.A. lovin', moose-killin', abstinence- only toutin' (ha! arrogant proselytizing is a karmic bitch, no?), completely un-qualified dilettante onto her couch.
How can you blame her? Cooties are contagious!
But seriously.
I harsh on Oprah a lot.
Mainly because every time I have bothered to tune in over the past five years she has either been talking about how high her duvet's thread count is or her very, very good friend John Travolta.
We get it. You have money and famous friends.
Can I have a car?
But today I tuned in to CNN and found a little snippet about some idiotic Republicans urging women to boycott the Oprah show.
Whiny little conservatives!
No lies, I was unimpressed when Oprah officially backed Obama due to previously stated annoyance with her show and it's "topics".
But I am now going to tune in every day (even if my T.V. is on mute with a well-placed sheet over it) just to stick it to these pedantic grandstanders.
I'll take my Oprah show.
You get dibs on The 700 Club.

I am sure everybody and their second cousin has seen this by now...but lookie! I just learned how to embed stuff! Yay! It's like I have seen the future of technology! Or Russia....from my house!

Posted by Posted by penny earned at 8:20 AM