Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Birthday, America

I just got back from gassing up my car in preparation for out of town festivities which left me feeling a little bit raped. $50 just gone. Bye-bye 20% of my paycheck (you heard that right! My life rules!). When I get home, I'm in the mood for some company, so I turn on my t.v. (again, totally awesome life here) and am bombarded by ads for the upcoming Olympic events in China. I think it's about time China got their turn at hosting. I don't care what people who know anything have to say about it! I'm just glad our dear leaders saw fit to do what was right and send our support to the Chinese. Perhaps next we can rally up enough volunteers to pool their urine until we have enough of it to dump a mighty maelstrom of piss on the Tibetans.

And then we can send weaponry to this hot new group out in Afghanistan. They have a real funky name. What was it,
Al Qaeda? Oh, my bad. We already did that! Time's to go about blaming someone else. How's 'bout Iraq. They were mean to us once, weren't they?Oh, yeah. My silly, silly short-term memory.

Clearly, I jest, and it's the last time I get political on here, I promise...but
I was all for Hillary.

I'll be on the Obama train now that it's the only one not departing from crazy station headed to awful-ville.

Fingers crossed here that what happened in '04 doesn't happen again 'cause Canada's looking mighty fine. And what with global warming, it's bound to be the next hot spot!

Posted by Posted by penny earned at 4:46 PM